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Active shooter is the law enforcement term for a mass murderer that plans and executes his victims inside schools, churches, theaters, malls and other public venues. FBI statistics reveal that active shooters commit mass murder via gunfire in the first three to five minutes upon entering into the venue and executing their victims. The best law enforcement response is beyond this time frame. In Florida the school resource officer onsite and assigned to the school, never even entered the school.
The fastest way to stop a mass murder with a gun is for a citizen warrior already inside the venue, to shoot and kill the active shooter. Armed in School & Church teaches the realities of identifying and interdicting an active shooter at a public venue utilizing counter gun fire.
Tactics, techniques and practices include moving through crowds, muzzle discipline, avoiding casualties, point and surgical shooting, force on force, and scenario training and shooting.
Not for the first time shooter. Basic handgun skills requisite. Handgun, 250 rounds and concealable holster required.