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“I learned more in two hours with Major Prather than in two years of ranch work.”
-SGT Mike Kase, Army Ranger
Equine Therapy – Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha Teams 595 and 555 rode into history after 9-11 dramatically redefining the role of the of the American warrior. And they did it on horseback. We were privileged to train Pentagon personnel during this time in mounted operations. But now our focus has shifted from warfare to warriorship.
The journey is still on horseback. But the mission is different. The objective is resilience. Chivalry originally meant to train and ride a war horse. But it evolved into a code of ethics, honed through martial prowess. And it began on horseback. American Natives developed an equine tradition that connected naturally with the horses on their terms, without the pain induced by bits and spurs. Warriorschool founder Jeff Prather studied autochthonous horsemanship with legendary Apache thought leader Phillip Cassadore.
Safety is first and always emphasized. Domination via pain is rejected. Separation between horse and rider is minimized, the connection maximized. Communication is in horse, offering the initiative on his terms, within his nature. The result is an almost unbelievably subtle connectivity of horse with rider. Students translate learned life lessons into business and family relationships on a profound scale!
We begin with groundwork, progress to halter and bareback, then to hackamore and saddle and then to native riding and tack. Slots are extremely limited. This is not casual riding, but sophisticated horsemanship. As American warriors we embrace this horse warrior legacy as the best practice for both two and four legged. Classes are held in 1 month blocks, every Friday morning, 0800-0930. Call to schedule.